Linda Chapman, President & CEO
Linda Chapman, President & CEO
With a B.S. Degree in Accounting and over 20 years of Accounting & Bookkeeping experience, Kings & Priests Economic Solutions, Inc. was birthed out of Linda's passion to help Christians in the Marketplace maximize their fullest potential in the workforce and prosper according to the Biblical principles of Economics in the Word of God!
KPES, Inc. is based on the Old Testament model of the combined Kingly & Priestly anointings. The Kings represent that natural wisdom and grace upon leaders to govern things in the natural that was entrusted to them. The Priests represent those called and anointed spiritual leaders chosen to bless, proclaim, and release the blessing upon the kings so they could experience supernatural prosperity during their reign. When kings and priests were teamed up together in the Old Testament, they were unstoppable! First, there was spiritual prosperity because of the priests, and there was financial prosperity because of the king.
With a dual anointing upon her life, Linda provides the excellence and wisdom of the king, as well as over 35 years experience in ministry! God wants His people prosperous and it's time to eradicate poverty and breakthrough barriers to supernatural wealth and prosperity for the advancement of the Kingdom of God!

Call us at (336) 396-4436 for a free consultation!